Throughout the British Isles and continental Europe localized “races” of cattle developed, each in their own way being bred to satisfy the demands of the populous. Development, distribution and sustainment of each of these “races” were all associated with the general improvement in agriculture. Military and naval actions, conquests, geography, government, laws and the general condition of the people all impacted them as well.
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The F1 British female truly dominates today’s cow-calf sector. She maximizes heterosis, plus offers strong fertility and rebreeding rates in a practical frame size that won’t eat your wallet. Shorthorn offers additional bonuses to the British cow base. Relative to Hereford, Angus and Red Angus, Shorthorn genetics offer considerably more muscle and yield grade potential. Shorthorn females also bring in more pounds of calf due to milk than any of their British breed competitors. The Shorthorn Composite female is catching fire in the commercial sector as the “proof” from pasture to plate continues to build.
According to USDA-MARC across-breed EPD adjustments
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